How to digitize the maintenance area in 5 steps

How to digitize the maintenance area in 5 steps

Jul 9, 2024, 7:00 AM

In the hotel industry, digitized maintenance operations have been a crucial pillar for ensuring efficient and effective asset management. The adoption of hotel maintenance software and technology-assisted maintenance management has led to notable innovation in this field. Digital transformation in hotels has not only improved operational efficiency but has also enabled the implementation of predictive maintenance and the automation of operations.

Digitalization and automation in the hotel sector are booming, with notable growth in the adoption of advanced technologies. A clear example is the increasingly common use of hotel management systems that integrate digital technologies. This trend shows a growing investment in digitalization, encompassing both operations and maintenance in the hotel sector. According to a report by Hospitality Technology, investment in hotel technology has grown at a compound annual rate of 8-10% over the past five years. This increase includes the adoption of technologies to digitize the maintenance area, highlighting an increase in automation. Additionally, the global market for maintenance management software (CMMS) in the hotel sector has grown at an annual rate of 12% between 2018 and 2023, reflecting an increasing adoption of these technologies to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs.

Digital transformation has reached the hotel sector, and the maintenance area is no exception. Digitizing maintenance processes in your hotel can bring multiple benefits, such as speeding up operations, improving efficiency, and reducing costs. Sometimes it may seem like a complex process and we don't know where to start, so we offer you a step-by-step guide that will help you undertake the project to digitize the maintenance management of your hotel establishment.

Worker optimizing processes thanks to the digitalization of maintenance

1. Evaluate current needs and objectives

The first step in implementing digitalization in hotel maintenance is to assess the current state of operations and maintenance management in your hotel. Conduct interviews with staff, observe work processes, and review existing documentation. This will provide valuable information about areas that can be improved.

Once the current state is assessed, it is time to develop a future vision in collaboration with hotel staff and project managers. It is important not to skip this part, as a study by the Boston Consulting Group shows that only 30% of digitalization projects are successful, with staff resistance to change being the main reason for failure. Therefore, it is crucial to create a realistic vision that can be successfully implemented.

2. Strategic planning

With a clear vision, the next step is to create a detailed action plan to guide the implementation of digitalization. This plan should include specific milestones, timelines, and assignment of responsibilities. Some key elements to consider in this action plan are:

It is essential that this action plan is realistic and aligned with the established vision.

3. Implementation of the action plan 

With the action plan defined, it is time to implement the digitalization of maintenance operations. This stage involves introducing changes to work processes, implementing new policies and procedures, and deploying the selected technologies.

During this process, it is crucial to keep all staff informed and engaged with the changes. Training and education of employees in the use of new digital tools will be essential to ensure a smooth transition and successful adoption. Therefore, it is advisable to choose tools that allow you to offer continuous training to your employees and provide support services to engage and facilitate the adoption of new processes. 

Remember that the success of your digitalization efforts will depend on the ability of employees to effectively use the new system.

4. Data analysis and informed decision making

After implementing the specific plan, it will be crucial to leverage the data generated by your digital systems to gain valuable insights into the state of our assets, as well as providing us with information to prevent issues. Use this information to make strategic decisions, improve your facilities, and optimize your operations.

5. Evaluation and continuous improvement

The final step in the process of digitalizing maintenance operations in hotels is monitoring, evaluating, and continuously adjusting the implementation plan.

Once digitalization is in place, it is essential to constantly monitor the progress and effectiveness of the measures adopted. This will allow identifying areas for improvement and making the necessary adjustments to ensure long-term success.

Some key activities at this stage include:

- Collecting and analyzing key metrics, such as response times, maintenance work efficiency, asset availability, etc.

- Identifying deviations or problems in the implementation and addressing them in a timely manner.

- Maintaining open and continuous communication with staff to receive feedback and suggestions for improvement.

- Conducting scheduled reviews to assess compliance with milestones and objectives set in the action plan.

- Analyzing the impact of digitalization on operational efficiency, asset management, and guest satisfaction.

- Identifying opportunities for improvement and areas that require adjustments or optimization.

- Updating the action plan and digitalization vision as necessary to adapt to changes in the environment and the hotel's needs.

- Fostering a culture of continuous improvement and learning, involving staff in the optimization process.

By maintaining this approach, you can ensure that the digitalization of maintenance operations in your hotel is a sustainable long-term success. 

The new paradigm of hotel maintenance

As we move into the future, it is evident that digital technologies will continue to change the way we manage our assets and operations. Most industries, including the hotel sector, are evolving towards smart buildings or hotels to maintain competitiveness and provide a better guest experience. 

Digital transformation in the hotel industry is driving the digitalization of operations, maintenance, and asset management. By adopting these digital practices, hotels can optimize their processes, increase efficiency, and achieve significant cost savings.

Don't fall behind! Discover the maintenance modules of EISI HOTEL that will help you start the digitalization of your establishment. For more information:

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