Advantages of Implementing Software to Digitalize Hotel Housekeeping Management

Advantages of Implementing Software to Digitalize Hotel Housekeeping Management

Mar 18, 2019, 9:00 AM

Within the daily operations of a hotel, housekeeping is one of the most relevant areas due to the workload and the speed at which tasks must be performed. Therefore, it is essential to carry out optimal management of the housekeeping department along with good coordination between this department and reception, as well as with other departments like maintenance, due to the close collaboration between them.

In this sense, the best option to ensure good management of the housekeeping department is through its digitalization, so that the housekeeper can keep a thorough control of the tasks to be performed, as well as a dynamic assignment of rooms.

Among the main advantages of digitalizing the housekeeping department, we can highlight:

Digitalizing the management of the housekeeping department allows saving 60% of the time spent.

Real-time Communication.

One of the main advantages of digitalizing the housekeeping department lies in the communication possibilities it offers. Each of the involved actors receives information in real time, reducing response times and freeing the department heads from tasks that do not add value.

This results in smooth communication between the housekeeping department and reception, as well as with all departments it interacts with, such as maintenance, avoiding reporting incidents by phone and having always updated information.

Additionally, working with a cloud-based digital tool allows us to work both online and offline, as if the connection is lost, information is stored and shared once the connection is restored.

Dynamic Organization of Tasks and Room Assignment.

Using digital tools for housekeeping management facilitates the planning of daily tasks for housekeepers and the assignment of rooms to different department workers. This allows for the possibility of making changes during the day in an agile manner, leading to increased productivity and a reduction in cleaning time. It also allows for the creation and management of room ranges for housekeeping managers, i.e., groups of rooms for later assignment.

Simplifies Daily Operations.

Eliminating paper-based organization by using a mobile/Tablet application greatly simplifies the daily operations of the department. It reduces or even eliminates calls between service staff and reception, facilitates changing the cleaning status with just a few clicks, and allows attaching comments and/or photos, making daily operations more intuitive and efficient.

Room Status and Cleaning Always Updated.

By having constantly updated information, the room status is always known, as well as the cleaning and inspection status, such as if cleaning could not be done because the room was marked as “Do Not Disturb,” if it is a guest check-in or check-out, if it is a VIP entry, if the room needs to be blocked due to a malfunction and simultaneously create a work order for the maintenance department, etc.

Moreover, it provides thorough control of minibar charges and replenishments, and allows for managing lost and found items.

Integration with PMS and Other Apps

Digitalizing operations through a cloud platform offers the possibility of bidirectional integration with other platforms such as PMS, thus having all available information centralized and updated.

In summary, there are numerous advantages to digitalizing the housekeeping department, especially with tools that enable complete digitalization of hotel operational management, such as EISI HOTEL. It allows for managing tasks and housekeeping, as well as technical-legal management (maintenance, consumption, quality plans, etc.) and hygienic-sanitary management (pool control, legionella prevention, food safety, etc.) of the hotel.

Discover how to digitalize the housekeeping department and manage your hotel's cleaning tasks with the Housekeeping Module of EISI HOTEL.


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